
Unmerited Favor

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by: Joseph Prince
page: 352

Table of Contents:
1. The Definition of Success
2. Everything you touch is blessed
3. Becoming Safe for Success
4. Success Beyond Your Circumstances
5. Practicing the Presence of Jesus
6. Your Right to God's Unmerited Favor
7. God's Peace for Your Success
8. Covenanted to Succeed in Life
9. God's Covenant of Unmerited Favor With Us
10. Perfected by Unmerited Favor
11. Transforming the Next Generation
12. Our Part In the New Covenant
13. How Unmerited Favor is Cheapened
14. The secret to Good Success
15. The Blessed Man Versus the Cursed Man
16. Walking In The Blessing of Abraham
17. Becoming an Heir of The World
18. Self-Occupation Versus Christ-Occupation
19. The Prayer Of The Unnamed Servant
20. Divine Wisdom to Succeed
21. Greatly Blessed, Highly Favored, Deeply Loved
22. The Secret of the Beloved

This book is all about Jesus. His passionate love for you and His desire for you to experience success in your life. Before continuing, can you answer this question "Do you believe that Jesus is interested in your success?"

Reposition Yourself

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By: T.D. Jakes
Page: 278

Table of Contents:
I. The Sky's the Limit
1. The Courage o Confront Facing Your Own Indifference
2. Beating the Air - Fighting Failure with Your Eyes Open
3. Lost and Found - Finding Your Present Locating by Knowing Where You've Been
4. Against the Odds - Overcoming the Fact that Life isn't Fair
5. Divine Direction - Branding is better than Brooding

II. Beyond the Limits of Mediocrity
6. Shifting Gears and Changing Lanes - Repositioning Yourself of What's Around the Next Corner
7. Ready, Aim, Fire - Launching Yourself Toward Your Highest Goals
8. Deal or No Deal - Counting the Cost of What You Pay vs. What You get
9. Lion, Tigers and Bears - Defeating the Financial Foes that Limit You
10. Facing the Giant - Capitalizing on Credit for Consistent Growth

III. Beyond the Limits of Success
11. Breaking Glass Ceilings - Sharing the secrets of success-Savvy Women
12. Shattering Glass Slippers - Revealing More Secrets of Women's Success
13. Mail Carriers - surviving the Labels of Success
14. Flight Manual - Soaring and Landing with Success at Home
15. Stay Connected - Utilizing Your Legacy to Build a Bridge

Faith is the substance of whatever it is that we hope for. The important thing is that we teach that faith we hope for. The important thing is that we teach that faith is connected to good works and responsbility. Otherwise, when we teach that faith is all that is necessary, we teach a belief in magic. Isn't it time for you to reirect your hope toward building your dreams instead of waiting on your hope toward building your dreams instead of waiting on your dreams to build themselves? As we loo at various areas of your life, if you're willing to reposition yourself, then trully the sky's the limit!

Prospering in times of Global Financial Crisis

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By: DR. Rajan Thiagarajah
page: 141

Table of Contents:
1. Signs of the Times
2. We are the Citizens of the Kingdom of God
3. We are Problem Solvers
4. Jesus Cares about your Finances
5. The Plan. The Purpose. The Strategy.
6. How to Get Wisdom
7. Prayer & Fasting with Specific Purpose
8. Make Giving the Centre of Your Life
9. Our Profession is Our Confession
10. Celebrate the Power of the Passover "Pesach"
11. What the Enemy has Planned
12. The Cross of Calvary fulfils God's Promises
13. God is a Miracle Worker
14. Wealth is Laid Up for the Just
15. Prove Me!

You are a citizen of heaven. All that belongs to Jesus belongs to you. You are the answer to the world crisis. God's method is a man or woman, and you are that man and woman for this hour.

Sign Language

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by: DR. Cathy Rice
page: 171

Table of Contents:
Intructions for Converting Individual Words into Signs
Lesson 1-7
Suggestions and Further Help for Learning Sign Language
Lesson 8 Intepreting Spoken Words into Signs
Reading Sign Language
Lesson 9 Helpful Ways to Remember Signs
Lesson 10 Pronouns
Lesson 11 Tenses
Lesson 12 "Do" Sign
"Not" Sign
Other Negative Signs
"Late" Sign
"Same" Sign
Sizes of People and Things

"Listen with your eyes ..... sign language is a method of presenting thoughts via pictures made with one's hands"
People are adaptable. This trait is particularly useful when one of the five senses is weakened and another becomes more acute to compensate for the weakness. So the deaf, when they hear, hear with their eyes. To communicate to the deaf, is to translate the speech of the hearing world into the pictures of the seeing world.


The Discovery of Genesis

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by: C.H. Kang and Ethel R. Nelson
page: 139

Table of Contents
1. Not Without Witness
2. Imperial Intrigue in the Chinese Dark Ages
3. Easy Lessons in "Character Building"
4. Creation - Chinese Style
5. They Shall Be One Flesh
6. The Fruit Tragedy
7. Dust to Dust
8. The Seed of Rebellion
9. A Bleak World
10. The Tower of United Defiance

The authors start with the observance of some astonishing points of correspondence between certain characters in the Chinese language and elements of the Genesis account of man's early beginnings. Man and woman, the garden, the institution of marriage, the temptation and fall, death, Noah's flood, the tower of Babel - they are all there in the tiny drawing and strokes that make up the Chinese characters.
Perhaps God has given us a point of reference to use today in proclaiming to the Chinese themselves the full story of the entire Bible with all the richness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Liberating the Nations

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by: Stephen McDowell & Mark Beliles
page: 214

Table of Contents
God's Principles and Plan for Liberating the Nations
1. The Fundamental Principles of Christian Nations
2. God's Plan for the Nations
3. Origins & Development & Liberty
4. The Protestant Reformation in Europe
5. The United States & Liberty in Modern Times
6. Christ's Teaching on Public Affairs

The Essential Foundations & Structures of Christian Nations
7. The Principle Approach to Education - Developing
Citizens with a Biblical World-view
8. The Home and the School
9. The Church
10. The Arts, Media and the Press
11. The Framework of Godly Government
12. Principles of Christians Economics
13. Biblical Principles of International Relations & War
14. A Practical Agenda for Discipling a Nation

After God changes the hearts of men, what then? When men are changed, their fabilies, businesses, schools, churches, neighborhoods, towns, cities, states, and nations should also change. The principles of the Bible affect all of life, including families, education, churches, the media, government, economics, and business.

In Charge

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by: Myles Munroe
page: 201
Table of Contents:

You were created to lead. Trapped within you is a hidden leader. Leading is an ability possessed by every person - including you. You have the potential - even an obligation - to develop the leader within you. The word desperately needs you, with your specific gifts, to lead and share your light with those around you. Why? In he twenty-first century, leaders abound, yet society suffers. Even a cursory glance at the condition of many of the world's peoples confirms that little leadership is at work today. The results? Fear, disillusionment, poverty, and violence.
The answer is you. The key is putting your gifting to use in the service of others, using Munroe's seven principles of servant-leadership. Through this inspiring and informative book, discover how leadership is designed for you by God, and begin to share your light.