
Liberating the Nations

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by: Stephen McDowell & Mark Beliles
page: 214

Table of Contents
God's Principles and Plan for Liberating the Nations
1. The Fundamental Principles of Christian Nations
2. God's Plan for the Nations
3. Origins & Development & Liberty
4. The Protestant Reformation in Europe
5. The United States & Liberty in Modern Times
6. Christ's Teaching on Public Affairs

The Essential Foundations & Structures of Christian Nations
7. The Principle Approach to Education - Developing
Citizens with a Biblical World-view
8. The Home and the School
9. The Church
10. The Arts, Media and the Press
11. The Framework of Godly Government
12. Principles of Christians Economics
13. Biblical Principles of International Relations & War
14. A Practical Agenda for Discipling a Nation

After God changes the hearts of men, what then? When men are changed, their fabilies, businesses, schools, churches, neighborhoods, towns, cities, states, and nations should also change. The principles of the Bible affect all of life, including families, education, churches, the media, government, economics, and business.

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