
In Charge

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by: Myles Munroe
page: 201
Table of Contents:

You were created to lead. Trapped within you is a hidden leader. Leading is an ability possessed by every person - including you. You have the potential - even an obligation - to develop the leader within you. The word desperately needs you, with your specific gifts, to lead and share your light with those around you. Why? In he twenty-first century, leaders abound, yet society suffers. Even a cursory glance at the condition of many of the world's peoples confirms that little leadership is at work today. The results? Fear, disillusionment, poverty, and violence.
The answer is you. The key is putting your gifting to use in the service of others, using Munroe's seven principles of servant-leadership. Through this inspiring and informative book, discover how leadership is designed for you by God, and begin to share your light.

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