
The Most Important Person on Earth

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By: Dr. Myles Munroe
pages: 318

Table of Contents:
Part 1: The Program of Celestial Expansion
1. The Power of Influence
2. The Adamic Administration
3. Declaration of Independence
4. The Promise of the Governor's Return

Part 2: The Return of the Governor
5. The Rebirth of a Kingdom
6. A King's Love for His Citizens
7. Restoring the Connection
8. Reinstating the Governor
9. Results of Reconnection

Part 3: Understanding the Governor
10. The Nature of the Governor
11. The Governor's Culture

Part 4: The Role and Impact of the Governor
12. Manifesting Kingdom Culture
13. The Governor's Administration
14. Why the Whole World Needs the Governor

Is heaven on earth really possible? When we struggle with defeat and discouragement, the Holy Spirit is the key to victory and peace. Learn how to:
- bring order to the chaos in your life
- receive God's power to heal and deliver
- fulfill your true purpose with joy
- be a leader in your sphere of influence
- be part of God's government on earth

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