
The Book That Transform Nations

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by: Loren Cunningham
page: 232

Table of Contents
1. We can win It All or Lose it All
2. Profiles of Transformation
3. Transforming Truth from God's Book
4. Are there Exceptions to the Rule?
5. Bringing God's Book to the Whole World
6. Keeping Our Eyes on God

No country is too hard ... too poor .... too filled with crime .. too divided by war ... or too spiritually dark to be changed. A dedicated minority applying God's Word under the power of the Holy Spirit can change any country.
- see how applying the Bible changed some of the world's poorest nations.
- Learn key truths that unlock freedom and well-being
- Meet heroes who built countries on God's Word
- Find how God gifts to every group of people
- Discover how you can bring hope to your nation
- Learn how to become a nation builder

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