

by Larry Crabb
pages: 212
Table of Contents
1. Kep's Story
2. Three Ingredients of Healing Community
3. Restored through Reconnecting
4. Designed to Connect
5. Connecting: The Center of Life
6. Connection and Vision
7. Vision in the Highest
8. What's Good about Us?
9. The Enemy within
10. Dying Together to Live Togther
11. Urges to be Killed
12. Two More Urges to be Killed
13. Connecting in the Heart of Battle
14. It's Time to Connect
15. Entering the Real Battle
16. Developing a Vision
17. Releasing the Energy

There is power within the life of every Christian waiting to be released - a power that can lead to further and deeper change, a power that can help someone else join more intimately to the heart of Christ, the power to heal soul wounds. That power is released by connecting with the hearts and souls of other people and allowing God's grace to flow freely through us to them.

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