
Charismatic Chaos

by: John F. MacArthur, Jr.
Page: 415
Table of Contents:
1. Is Experience a Valid Test of Truth?
2. Does God Still Give Revelation?
3. Prophets, Fanatics or Heretics?
4. How Should I Interpret the Bible?
5. Does God Do Miracles Today?
6. What Is Behind the Third War and Where is it Going?
7. How Do Spiritual Gifts Operate?
8. What Was Happening in the Early Church?
9. Does God Still Heal?
10. Is the Gift of Tongues for Today?
11. What is True Spirituality?
12. Does God Promise Health and Wealth?

The charismatic movement of the past quarter-century has made an impact on the church unparalleled in history. But one legacy of the movement is confusion and mushy thinking. In this book, John F. MacArthur calls for biblical charismatic and non-charismatic in the light of Scripture.

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