
360 Leader

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by: John C. Maxwell
Table of Contents
Section 1: The Myths of Leading from the Middle of an Organization
Myth 1 - The Position Myth: "I can't lead if I am not at the top"
Myth 2 - The Destination Myth: "When I get to the top, then I'll learn to lead"
Myth 3 - The Influence Myth:"If I were on the top, then pepople would follow me"
Myth 4 - The Inexperience Myth: "When I get to the top, I'll be in control"
Myth 5 - The Freedom Myth: "When I get to the top, I'll no longer be limited"
Myth 6 - The Potential Myth:"I can't reach my potential if I'm not the top leader"
Myth 7 - The All or Nothing Myth: "If I can't get to the top, then I won't try to lead

Section 2: The Challenges 360-Degree Leaders Face
Challenge 1: The Tension Challenge:
Challenge 2: The Frustation Challenge: Following an Ineffective Leader
Challenge 3: The Multi-Hat Challenge: One Head ..... Many Hats
Challenge 4: The Ego Challenge: You're Often Hidden in the Middle
Challenge 5: The Fulfillment Challenge: Leaders Like the Front More Than the Middle
Challenge 6: The Vision Challenge: Championing the Vision Is More Difficult
When You Didn't Create It
Challenge 7: The Influence Challenge: Leading Others Beyond Your Position Is Not Easy

Section 3: The Principle 360-degree Leaders Practice to Lead Up
Lead Up Principle 1: Lead Yourself Exceptionally Well
Lead Up Principle 2: Lighten You Leader's Load
Lead Up Principle 3: Be Willing to Do What Other Won't
Lead Up Principle 4: Do More Than Manage - Lead
Lead Up Principle 5: Invest in Relational Chemistry
Lead Up Principle 6: Be Prepared Every Time You Take Your Leader's Time
Lead Up Principle 7: Know When to Push and When to Back Off
Lead Up Principle 8: Become a Go-To Player
Lead Up Principle 9: Be Better Tomorrow Than You Are Today

Section 4: The Principle 360-degree Leaders Practice to Lead Across
Lead Across Principle 1: Understand, Practice and Complete the Leadership Loop
Lead Across Principle 2: Put Completing Fellow Leaders Ahead of Competing with Them
Lead Across Principle 3: Be a Friend
Lead Across Principle 4: Avoid Office Politics
Lead Across Principle 5: Expand Your Circle of Acquaintances
Lead Across Principle 6: Let the Best Idea Win
Lead Across Principle 7: Don't Pretend You're Perfect

Section 5: The Principle 360-degree Leaders Practice to Lead Down
Lead Down Principle 1: Walk Slowly Through the Halls
Lead Down Principle 2: See Everyone As a "10"
Lead Down Principle 3: Develop Each Team Member as a Person
Lead Down Principle 4: Place People in ther Strength Zones
Lead Down Principle 5: Model the Behavior - You Desire
Lead Down Principle 6: Transfer the Vision
Lead Down Principle 7: Reward for Results

Section 6: The Value 360-degree Leaders
Value 1: A Leadership Team Is More Effective Than Just One Leader
Value 2: Leaders Are Needed at Every Level of the Organization
Value 3: Leading Successfully at One Level Is a Qualifier for Leading
at the Next Level
Value 4: Good Leaders in the Middle Make Better Leaders at the Top
Value 5: 360 Degree Leaders Posses Qualities Every Organization Needs

Special Section : Create an Environment that unleashes 360-degree Leaders

Is it possible to lead well when you're not the top dog? How about if the person you work for is a bad leader? the answer is a resounding yes!
If you have found yourself trying to lead frm the middle of the organization, as the vast majority of professionals do, then you need Maxwell's insights. You have a unique opportunity to exercise influence in all directions - up(to the boss) - across (among your peers), and down (to those you lead).

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