
An Introduction to the Old Testament Template

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by: Landa Cope
Page: 205

Table of Contents
I. The Journey
1. What's wrong with this picture?
2. We've lost our Christian minds!
3. We've lost our mission!
4. The cornfield revelation
5. Learning to color .... again!

II. How Do We Get Started?
6. Government
7. Economics
8. Science and Technology
9. Church
10. Family
11. Education
12. Communication
13. Arts and Entertainmnent

III. If We Are Going To Disciple All Nations
14. We need a Supreme Christ!
15. We need God's view of Nations
16. We need a Biblical view of vocations
17. We need Biblical strategies: the Wilderness Temptations
18. We need Biblical strategies: the Servant Model
19. We need Godly perspective of change

Landa Cope, has put the challenge of the pinciples of the Old Testament Template to leaders in politics, business and church, on every continent of the world. Now you can rediscover how a vital, relevant and effective Biblical Christianity can bring a righteous influence back into the public arena.

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