
Why not Women

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by: Loren Cunningham & David Joel Hamilton
Page: 283 pages

Table of Content:
1. It's High Time!
2. How we know what we believe
3. Your Gift and Destiny
4. Women Prophets, Evangelists, and Teachers
5. Daughters of Pandora
6. Daughters of Venus
7. Daughters of Eve
8. Distorting the Image
9. Jesus Broke Down the Walls
10. Paul Turned His World Upside Down
11. Bringing the Gospel to Sin City, A.D.50
12. The Question of Headship (Part 1 of I Cor 11:2-16)
13. Praying and Prophesying (Part 2 of I Cor 11:2-16)
14. Should Women Keep Silent? (Part 1 of I Cor 14:26-40)
15. Learning How to Minister? (Part 2 of I Cor 14:26-40)
16. Do Not Permit a Woman to Teach" (Part 1 of I Tim 2:1-15)
17. Paul's Gracious Solution (Part 2 of I Tim 2:1-15)
18. Women Leaders Too (I Tim 3:1-13)


Multiplied millions of women all over the world are looking over the church's shoulder, longing to see the freedom Jesus purchased for them at Calvary-ideas that pressure a woman to let culture,not God, determine her place in the Kingdom.
While hurting men and women outside the church cry out, "Is there any hope? Does anyone care?" their sisters in the church are asking, "How can I share the hope I have? How can I, a woman, serve the Lord?" Many women, having heard God call them into public roles in the Kingdom, are serving in position of leadership. They are asking, "Will the church support us?"
We must respond. The issue of women in mission, ministry, and leadership is dividing homes, churches, communities, even societies. We must respond responsibly, for we never want to find ourselves working against God's purposes, quenching His spirit at work in the lives of those He has called. We must respond carefully, since God's truth often stands in direct opposition to what the majority of people believe.

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