
Why Men Hate Going to Church

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by: David Murrow
page: 248
Table of Content:
1. Why Men Hate Going to Church
2. The Three Gender Gaps
3. Understanding Men and Masculinity
4. The Straws That Break Men's Heart
5. Restoring the Masculine Spirit in the Church
6. Meeting Men's Deepest Needs

Golfing? Playing softball? Watching the tube? Moving the lawn? Sleeping? One place you won't find them is in church. Less than 40 percent of adults in most churches are men, and 20 to 25 percent of married churchgoing women attend without their husbands. And why are the men who do go to church so bored? Why won't they let God change their hearts?

God's Big Idea

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by: Myles Munroe
page: 236
Table of Contents
1. The Garden of Eden: God's Kingdom on Earth
2. The Power of the Garden Principle
3. Heaven and Earth: A Clash of Cultures
4. The Master Gardener: The Key to a Successful Garden
5. Who Tends Your Garden?
6. Understanding Garden Influence
7. Creating a Kingdom Culture
8. Producing a Kingdom Community
9. Engaging the Popular Culture
10. Living in Two Worlds on One Earth

There has never been a better time to be alive! God's plan since before time began is about to unfold worlwide. He is going to establish His rule through people like you. He will cover the earth with His glory by pouring Himself into His people.
God's Big Idea shows how God wants to make the earth a place of Kingdom harmony and peace - beginning with you!
DR. Munroe explains how you can be directly involved in God's Big Ideas by helping plant and multiply His garden communities where all God's children live fruitful and abundant lives.

Understanding the Purpose and Power of Men

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by: DR. Myles Munroe
page: 221
Table of Contents
1. What Is A Real Man?
2. Seven Principles of Purpose
3. The Creation of Man
4. God's Purpose for the Male
5. Dominion Versus Domination
6. The Male as Visionary and Leader
7. The Male As Teacher and Cultivator
8. The Male As Teacher and Protector
9. A Man and His Sex Life
10. Male-Female differences
11. How To Be A Good Father
12. Keys To Becoming A Real Man

So what is a man to do? The numver one challenge to the male is his identity crisis. The average man is confused about his manhood, masculinity, and sexuality. He doesn't have a clear definition of what a man is supposed to be. Some men have confused their cultural, social, and traditional roles with the definition of manhood. However, this has proven to be one of the major causes of the problem because, as the roles changes, so does a man's image of himself.

The Book That Transform Nations

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by: Loren Cunningham
page: 232

Table of Contents
1. We can win It All or Lose it All
2. Profiles of Transformation
3. Transforming Truth from God's Book
4. Are there Exceptions to the Rule?
5. Bringing God's Book to the Whole World
6. Keeping Our Eyes on God

No country is too hard ... too poor .... too filled with crime .. too divided by war ... or too spiritually dark to be changed. A dedicated minority applying God's Word under the power of the Holy Spirit can change any country.
- see how applying the Bible changed some of the world's poorest nations.
- Learn key truths that unlock freedom and well-being
- Meet heroes who built countries on God's Word
- Find how God gifts to every group of people
- Discover how you can bring hope to your nation
- Learn how to become a nation builder

From Barreness to Fruitfulness

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by Frank Damazio
page : 197
Table of Contents
1. A Personal Journey Through the School of Barrenness
2. A Biblical Understanding of Barrenness
3. Congregational Spiritual Abortions and Miscarriages
4. Discerning the Causes of Barrenness
5. Sarah: Lessons in Tested Faith
6. Rebekah: Lesson in Contradictions and Intercession
7. Leah: Lesson in Unconditional Love
8. Rachel: Lessons in Jealousy and Sovereignty
9. Manoah's Wife: Lessons in Oenership
10. Hannah: Lessons in Overcoming Satanic Attacks
12. Elizabeth: Lessons in God's Timing
13. Diseased Spiritual Rivers
14. The Secret of New Life
15. Breaking the Unsaved-Unchurched People Barrier
16. Changing Chuch Atmosphere

The effects of an unfruitful ministry can be devastaring If your situation seems hopeless, take heart. In God, there is always hope. With great personal insight and wisdom. Ps. Frank Damizio draws from his own experience with barrenness along with these of biblical leaders, to show how you can overcome spiritual drought and find fruitfulness in your ministry. Move out of the desert and into the fullness of your destiny. Experience the abundant life God desires for you.



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Understanding the Purpose and the Power of Prayer
by: DR. Myles Munroe
page: 237
Table of Contents
1. The Purpose and Priority of Prayer
- Does Prayer Really Work?
- The genesis of Prayer
- The Authority of Prayer
2. Preparing for Prayer
- How to Enter God's Presence
- Cultivating the God Kind of Faith
3. Principle of Prayer
- Jesus' Model Prayer
- Twelve Action Steps to Prayer
- Hurdles to Answered Prayer
- Hindrances to Answered Prayer
4. The Power of Prayer
- The Power of the Word
- The Power of Jesus' Name
- Understanding Fasting
Conclusion: Becoming a Person of Prayer

God, God Almighty, God the Creator of the heavens and the earth, God the Beginning and the End, God the Source of all that is, God the Creator of man - the same God, in all His power and all His majesty, stops and listens when you pray. God has given mankind earthly license for heavenly interfere.
Whether you know it or not, you have the authority to change the world through prayer.

Vision of th House

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by Terry Nance
page: 185
Table of Content
1. It's Time to get plugged into the power source
2. It's Time to get out of the comfort zone and develop the gift zone
3. It's Time to step into the challenge zone and run to the end zone
4. It's Time to get ready to become a voice and not an echo
5. It's Time to stand with your pastor
6. It's Time to become kingdom minded leaders
7. It's Time to transition, reposition and change
8. It's Time to begin a new phase of ministry
9. It's Time to set your life on the Course to Destiny

In the tradition of God's Armorbearer, Vision of the House shows how the local chuch will play a major roll in this last day move of God in preparing the way of the Lord.
In this book, you will learn: How important is to get plugged into your local church, how to get out of the comfort zone, develop your gift zone, how to become kingdom builder and not empire builders, how servanthood is the key to unlocking your destiny.

Rock Solid Teacher

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by:Gregory C. Carlson
Table of Contents
1. Teach like Jesus
2. Proclaim Good News
3. Teach to Learn
4. Bring Healing
5. Follow the Pattern
6. Motivate to Learn
7. Know the Scriptures
8. Use Things, Not People
9. Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

A rock-solid teacher follows the Master Teacher's example. Of course, the Master Teacher is Jesus! He defined rock-solid teaching. Who had more compassion and better wisdom about people? "He knew all men," reported the apostle John (John 2:24). He had a grasp of God's Word, for He was and is the Word (John 1:1). And as for changing people's lives, the heart of every believer is the result of Jesus' teaching.


Children and Childhood in the Bible, Workbook

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by: Dan Brewster
page: 115

Table of Contents
1. The Worth of a Child
2. Spiritual Openness of Children
3. Children in Bible Families
4. The Training and Nurture of Children
5. Children at Risk in the Bible

Some people have said that the Bible has little to say about children and childhood. Most pastors and even some theologians know that Jesus said "Let the children come to me an do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these (Mark 10:14). Some church leaders will have a few more verses in their repertoire.


Kingdom Principle

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Understanding the Kingdom
Preparing for Kingdom Experience and Expansion
by Myles Munroe
page: 220

Table of Contents
1. The Priority of the Kingdom
2. The Kingdom of God VS the Governments of Man
3. The Original Kingdom Concept: Colonization of Earth
4. Kingdom Concept #1: Understanding the kingdom Concept of Kings
5. Kingdom Concept #2: Understanding the kingdom Concept of Lord
6. Kingdom Concept #3: Understanding the kingdom Concept of Territory
7. Kingdom Concept #4: Understanding the kingdom Concept of Constitution
8. Kingdom Concept #5: Understanding the kingdom Concept of Law
9. Kingdom Concept #6: Understanding the kingdom Concept of Keys
10. Kingdom Concept #7: Understanding the kingdom Concept of Citizenship
11. Kingdom Concept #8: Understanding the kingdom Concept of Culture
12. Kingdom Concept #9: Understanding the Kingdom Concept of Giving to the King

When one hears the word kingdom, immediately many different ideas, concepts and pictures come to mind. Most of our concepts in life are the result of our culture, social development, and forma and informal education. We are products of our culture and interpret the word through our mental conditioning.


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Where are you? The answer will transform your church
by: Greg L. Hawkins & Cally Parkinson
page: 111

Table of Contents
where are you?
1. Are you really making a difference?
2. What happened when
Willow asked "Where are we?" ..........
3. What did we discover?
4. So what can you do now?

For years, church leaders have relied on numbers to help answer qustions like these. in other words, we ask the "How many" questions.
Numbers can be helpful, but they don't reveal the whole story. Numbers can't peer into the human heart.


Honor's Rewards

The Essential Virtue for Receiving God's Blesssing
by John Bevere
page: 224
Table of Contents
1. Rewards await you
2. Partial & No rewards
3. Full reward
4. Little to do with the leader
5. Authority
6. Harsh Authority
7. Civil Authority
8. social Authority
9. Family Authority
10. Church Authority
11. Double Honor
12. Those on Our Level
13. Those Entrusted to Us
14. Honor in the Home - Children
15. Honor in the Home - Wife
16. Honor All
17. Honoring God

John reveals how living with honor plays a role in how much and in what ways individuals are blessed by God. He say God loves to reward His children, but they can only receive those rewards when they heed His counsel and follow His Commandments.

King Me

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What Every Son wants and needs from his father
by : Steve Farrar
pages: 265
Table of Contents:
1. King me
2. Building Sons into Men
3. Rapid Response (Mentoring through Mistakes)
4. Swift boot (Mentoring through Discipline 1)
5. Freedom Man (Mentoring through Discipline 2)
6. Masculine Sons in a Feminized world
7. Why your sons exists
8. Sons and Sex
9. The Kramer of Judah (Mentoring through Manly Communication 1)
10. How to Crush Your Son so he will never recover (Mentoring through Manly Communication 2)
11. Getting Rid of bad apples (Mentoring through Friendship)
12. A parting Slot

You can be the father your son needss and wants you to be .... no matter what his age. From these rich biblical narratives Farrar lifts the principles and inspiration you need to build your son into the man God wants him to be. With a rare honesty Farrar shows you how to crown your son king of his life b challenging hi to honor and serve the King of kings with character and courage.


Think Big - Testimony

by: Ben Carson, MD
Pages: 261
This is a book about giving our best and specially about doing whatever we can to help others - about thinking big - one of the important concepts of my life. It mmiht also be called a book about excellence. Or about dedication.

Rediscovering the Kingdom

by Myles Munroe
Pages: 235
Table of Content
1. Discovering the Origins and Purpose of Man
2. Rediscovering the Kingdom Concept
3. Enter the King and the Kingdom
4. The Assignment of Jesus: Restore the Kingdom
5. The Good News of the Kingdom
6. A Kingdom of Servant Kings
7. Kings, prophets and the Kingdom
8. The Priority of the Kingdom
9. Understanding the Kingdom Concepts

The book is about you and your passion to understand life. It is about your search for control over your circumstances and destiny. It is about living life to its fullest and about reconnecting to your true self. You were created not just to exist but to live a fulfilled and significant life. This book is about that life. Your life!

Right People Right Place Right Plan

by: Jetenzen Franklin
Pages: 208

Table of Contents:
I. The Gift of Discernment
II. Right People, Right Place, Right Plan
III. Unlocking Discernment
IV. Benefits of Discernment

Right People Right Place Right Plan is a powerful, new, revelatory work! What will I do with my life? Do I take this job? Should I invest money in this opportunity? Whom should I marry? What does God have to say about it all? God has bestowed an incredible gift in the heart of every believer. He has given you an internal compass to elp guide your life, your family, your children, your finances, and much more.

Money Before Marriage

by: Larry Burkett
Pages: 122
Table of Content:
1. Finances: The doorway to Intimacy
2. Discovering Your Personality Profiles
3. Hoarding or Overspending: Discovering Your Tendencies in Money Management
4. Creating Your First Budget
5. Straight Talk from Larry on Marriage
6. The Pastor's Guide

Because you deserve the best in your marriage, now you can disarm two of the most potent threats to your upcoming marriage, misminagement of money and poor communication. you can do this by putting the book to work for you.

Humility the forgotten virtue

by : Wayne A. Mack with Joshua A. Mack
page: 180
Table of Contents
1. The Importance of humility
2. Humility toward God
3. Portrait of Humility toward Man
4. Completed Portrait of Humility
5. The Folly of Pride
6. Yes, but How
7. More on How

Wayne Mack defines pride and humility biblically. He shows us in multitute of ways that God hates pride. He shows us that as a sin, pride is unique. Most sin turn us away from God, but pride is a direct attack upon God.


Dogbert's Management Handbook

by Scott
Table of Contents
1. Acting Like A Manager
2. Motivating Employees
3. Communicating
4. Success Strategies
5. Compensation
6. Getting Rid of Employees
7. How To Be A Happy Manager

As a manager you could do a lot of thinking, experimenting, and continuous training. Or you can just do what evryone else dos and blindly follow my directions like an unthinking zombie. blind obedience is easier than the alternatives and the pay's the same. In fact, the pay is better, if you look at it from an hourly perspective. So keep reading.


Maximizing Your Potential

by: Dr. Myles Munroe
pages: 207
Table of Contents;
1. why Maximize?
2. How To Become Your Potntial?
3. The Enemies of Potential
4. Guard and Protect Your Potential
5. Cultivate and Feed Your Potential
6. Share Your Potential
7. Your Potential and the Next Generation
8. Understand and Obey the Laws of Limitation
9. Recovering Your Potential
10. Potential and God's Purpose


by Larry Crabb
pages: 212
Table of Contents
1. Kep's Story
2. Three Ingredients of Healing Community
3. Restored through Reconnecting
4. Designed to Connect
5. Connecting: The Center of Life
6. Connection and Vision
7. Vision in the Highest
8. What's Good about Us?
9. The Enemy within
10. Dying Together to Live Togther
11. Urges to be Killed
12. Two More Urges to be Killed
13. Connecting in the Heart of Battle
14. It's Time to Connect
15. Entering the Real Battle
16. Developing a Vision
17. Releasing the Energy

There is power within the life of every Christian waiting to be released - a power that can lead to further and deeper change, a power that can help someone else join more intimately to the heart of Christ, the power to heal soul wounds. That power is released by connecting with the hearts and souls of other people and allowing God's grace to flow freely through us to them.

Charismatic Chaos

by: John F. MacArthur, Jr.
Page: 415
Table of Contents:
1. Is Experience a Valid Test of Truth?
2. Does God Still Give Revelation?
3. Prophets, Fanatics or Heretics?
4. How Should I Interpret the Bible?
5. Does God Do Miracles Today?
6. What Is Behind the Third War and Where is it Going?
7. How Do Spiritual Gifts Operate?
8. What Was Happening in the Early Church?
9. Does God Still Heal?
10. Is the Gift of Tongues for Today?
11. What is True Spirituality?
12. Does God Promise Health and Wealth?

The charismatic movement of the past quarter-century has made an impact on the church unparalleled in history. But one legacy of the movement is confusion and mushy thinking. In this book, John F. MacArthur calls for biblical charismatic and non-charismatic in the light of Scripture.


Gospel According to Starbucks, the

by Leonard Sweet
pages 210
Table of Contents
Introduction: The Brew of the Soul
Your Spiritual Life on Drip
1. Reading a Starbucks Cup (Why Spirituality Is Going to Pot)
2. Life on an EPIC Scale (Choose the Spiritual Life You Can Taste)
3. Drinking In the Starbucks Experience (Epic: Starbucks Is Experiential)
4. The Gospel in an Experiential Cup (Living at the intersection of Faith and Irresistible Experience)
5. Life Is Empty Until You Join In (ePIc: Starbucks Is Participatory)
6. The Gospel in a Participatory Cup (Get Fully Immersed in What God Is Doing)
7. Brands as Image Statements (ePic: bux Is Image Rich)
8. The Gospel in an Image-Rich Cup (God Speaks in More Than Just Words)
9. Your Undeniable Thirst for connection (epic: Starbucks Is Connective)
10. The Gospel in a Connective Cup (Connecting Like St.Arbucks)

You don't stand in line at Starbucks just to buy a cup of coffee. You stop for the experience surrounding the cup of coffee. Too many of us line for God out of duty or guilt. We completely miss the warmth and richness of the experience of living with God.

Dilbert Principle, The

by Scott Adams
page: 336
Table of Contents:
1. The Dilbert Principle
2. Humiliation
3. Business Communication
4. Great Lies of Management
5. Machiavellian Methods
6. Employee Strategies
7. Performance Reviews
8. Pretending to Work
9. Swearing: The Key to Success for Women
10. How to Get Your Way
11. Marketing and Communication
12. Management Consultants
13. Business Plans
14. Engeneers, Scientists, Programmers and Other Odd People
15. Change
16. Budgeting
17. Sales
18. Meetings
19. Pojects
20. ISO 9000
21. Downsizing
22. How to Tell If Your Company Is Doomed
23. Reengineering
24. Team-Builsing Exercises
25. Leaders
26. New Company Model:OA5
The Dilbert Principle combines cartoons and essays on a variety of pressing management issues, such as bosses, morale, downsizing, motivation, incentives, the internet, delegation, meetings, and mission statements.


The Bribe of Great Price

The Bribe of Great Price
by Bart Pierce
pages: 127
Table of Content:
1. The Plot of Plots
2. Paid Everywhere
3. The Currency of the Bribe
4. Hush Money
5. The Egyptian Connection
6. The egypt Spirit
7. Under the Spell
8. Swimming in the Cesspool
9. The Big Deal About Unbelief
10. The Big Deal About Resurrection
11. God's Choice Work
12. From the Bribe to Bride
In this masterful book, Bart Pierce exposes the greatest scandal in history. He chronicles the radical plot of supernatural forces to silence the voice of truth. Over two millennia ago, a Roman soldier and "The Bribe of Great Price" Spawned the rise of dictators, parliaments, Kingdom, Empires, and Nations. In a post-modern era, it openly employs the sciences, political systems, religion and mass media. Due to an elaborate deception, even the church has aided in this conspiracy. This book is definitely a page-turner for every believer, seeker and conspiracy theorist alike. It is unforgettable journey.

The 10 Dumbest Things Christians Do

Everyday, Christians make the devil laugh, read this book and make the devil weep.
by Mark Atteberry
Table of Contents
1. Slinging Mud on the Bride of Christ
2. Winning People to the Church Rather Than to the Lord
3. Living Below the Level of Our Beliefs
4. Speaking Above the Level of Our Knowledge
5. Hoping from Church to Church
6. Fighting Among Ourselves
7. Missing Golden Opportunities
8. Settling for Medocrity
9. Allowing wolves to Live Among the Sheep
10. Accepting the Unacceptanble

As a pastor for over thirty years, Mark gets to the bottom of some tough questions. why are so many churches not growing/ Why are our effort to serve God so woefully ineffective? Why do Christians have so little credibility in the eyes of the world? All too often, it's because of dumb moves.

The DaVinci Code: A Quest for Answers

The DaVinci Code: A Quest for Answers
by Josh McDowell
page: 112
Table of Content:
A Journey of Discovery
1. I Never Knew All That
2. I Have to Admit: I'm Hooked
3. That's Pretty Persuasive
4. What Does That Tell You
5. What Difference Does It Make?
6. A Quest Fulfilled
Just where does fact end and fiction begin?

God's Armor Bearer Vol. 1 & 2

Serving God's Leaders
by Terry Nance
Pages 80 & 63
Table of Contents:
1. Revelation of an Armorbearer
2. Function of Armorbearer
3. Armorbearers of the Old Testament
4. New testament Armorbearing
5. The Cry of God's Leaders
6. How to Develop the Spirit of an Armorbearer

God's Armorbearer II: How to Bloom Where God Has Planted You
Table of Contents:
1. The Hour of the Local Church
2. Keys to Longevity
3. Keys to Commitment
4. Keys to Attitude
5. Keys to Teamwork

Apostolic Strategies Affecting Nations

Title: Apostolic Strategies Affecting Nations
by: DR. Jonathan David, DR. Bill Hamon, Colin Urquhart., Ulf Ekman
pages: 493
Tables of Contents:
section 1. The Apostolic Pioneer Leadership (ch 1-10)
section 2. Apostolic Governing Church (ch 11-16)
section 3. Breakthrough Believers (ch 17-26)
section 4. The Apostolic Mandate for Senior Pastors (ch 27-36)
section 5. Apostolic Ministry in Function (ch 37 - 50)

Apostolic Strategies Affeting Nations presents proven strategies to raise up strong governing churches. These strategies provide the blueprints to raise up breakthough believers. Senior pastor, ministry, gifts and whole churches according to the New Testament patterns. Somday all churches will be built o impact their cities and influences their nations.