
The 10 Dumbest Things Christians Do

Everyday, Christians make the devil laugh, read this book and make the devil weep.
by Mark Atteberry
Table of Contents
1. Slinging Mud on the Bride of Christ
2. Winning People to the Church Rather Than to the Lord
3. Living Below the Level of Our Beliefs
4. Speaking Above the Level of Our Knowledge
5. Hoping from Church to Church
6. Fighting Among Ourselves
7. Missing Golden Opportunities
8. Settling for Medocrity
9. Allowing wolves to Live Among the Sheep
10. Accepting the Unacceptanble

As a pastor for over thirty years, Mark gets to the bottom of some tough questions. why are so many churches not growing/ Why are our effort to serve God so woefully ineffective? Why do Christians have so little credibility in the eyes of the world? All too often, it's because of dumb moves.

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