
Apostolic Strategies Affecting Nations

Title: Apostolic Strategies Affecting Nations
by: DR. Jonathan David, DR. Bill Hamon, Colin Urquhart., Ulf Ekman
pages: 493
Tables of Contents:
section 1. The Apostolic Pioneer Leadership (ch 1-10)
section 2. Apostolic Governing Church (ch 11-16)
section 3. Breakthrough Believers (ch 17-26)
section 4. The Apostolic Mandate for Senior Pastors (ch 27-36)
section 5. Apostolic Ministry in Function (ch 37 - 50)

Apostolic Strategies Affeting Nations presents proven strategies to raise up strong governing churches. These strategies provide the blueprints to raise up breakthough believers. Senior pastor, ministry, gifts and whole churches according to the New Testament patterns. Somday all churches will be built o impact their cities and influences their nations.

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