
From Barreness to Fruitfulness

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by Frank Damazio
page : 197
Table of Contents
1. A Personal Journey Through the School of Barrenness
2. A Biblical Understanding of Barrenness
3. Congregational Spiritual Abortions and Miscarriages
4. Discerning the Causes of Barrenness
5. Sarah: Lessons in Tested Faith
6. Rebekah: Lesson in Contradictions and Intercession
7. Leah: Lesson in Unconditional Love
8. Rachel: Lessons in Jealousy and Sovereignty
9. Manoah's Wife: Lessons in Oenership
10. Hannah: Lessons in Overcoming Satanic Attacks
12. Elizabeth: Lessons in God's Timing
13. Diseased Spiritual Rivers
14. The Secret of New Life
15. Breaking the Unsaved-Unchurched People Barrier
16. Changing Chuch Atmosphere

The effects of an unfruitful ministry can be devastaring If your situation seems hopeless, take heart. In God, there is always hope. With great personal insight and wisdom. Ps. Frank Damizio draws from his own experience with barrenness along with these of biblical leaders, to show how you can overcome spiritual drought and find fruitfulness in your ministry. Move out of the desert and into the fullness of your destiny. Experience the abundant life God desires for you.

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