
Gospel According to Starbucks, the

by Leonard Sweet
pages 210
Table of Contents
Introduction: The Brew of the Soul
Your Spiritual Life on Drip
1. Reading a Starbucks Cup (Why Spirituality Is Going to Pot)
2. Life on an EPIC Scale (Choose the Spiritual Life You Can Taste)
3. Drinking In the Starbucks Experience (Epic: Starbucks Is Experiential)
4. The Gospel in an Experiential Cup (Living at the intersection of Faith and Irresistible Experience)
5. Life Is Empty Until You Join In (ePIc: Starbucks Is Participatory)
6. The Gospel in a Participatory Cup (Get Fully Immersed in What God Is Doing)
7. Brands as Image Statements (ePic: bux Is Image Rich)
8. The Gospel in an Image-Rich Cup (God Speaks in More Than Just Words)
9. Your Undeniable Thirst for connection (epic: Starbucks Is Connective)
10. The Gospel in a Connective Cup (Connecting Like St.Arbucks)

You don't stand in line at Starbucks just to buy a cup of coffee. You stop for the experience surrounding the cup of coffee. Too many of us line for God out of duty or guilt. We completely miss the warmth and richness of the experience of living with God.

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