
From Good Man to Valiant Man

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By: DR. Allan Meyer
Page: 268
Table of Contents:
1. Becoming a Real Man
2. The Right Attitudes
3. The Sexual Man
4. The Origin, Power & Purpose of Sex
5. The Cycle of Addition
6. The Understanding Man
7. Retraining Your Brain
8. Taking a Stand
9. Guarding Your Heart
10. Realistic Expectations

It's an old word for a new life. It's an old word which needs to be rediscovered and reapplied by men with regards to sexual integrity in this generation.
This book is a call for valiant men .... to rebuild the moral walls in their hearts, to renew the thought patterns in their minds, and to take responsibility for the emotional and spiritual health of their families: the kind of men that women and children can depend on.

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