
Passing on The Baton

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by John W. McElroy
page: 121
Table of Contents
1. A New Season of Grace
1.1 Things Have Got to Change!
1.2 Leaving a Legacy
1.3 The Church's Dilemma
1.4 Bridging the Gap
2. Passing On The Baton
2.5 Building a Culture of Honor
2.6 Growing in a Spirit of Sonship
2.7 Becoming a Spiritual Parent
3. Developing A Strategy
2.8 A Change of Heart
2.9 Passing On the Baton in the Local Church
2.10 Restoring the Five-Fold Ministry
2.11 Developing an Antioch Perspective
2.12 Every Journey Begins ...

"See I will send you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse".
These final verses of Malachi 4 echo a promise and a warning to God's people. the promise points to Church returning to its relational foundations and bridging the generation gaps.
Yet with the curse of lawlessness on the increase and a culture steeped in selfishness, the Church is losing the battle for the hearts and minds of the next generation. Something has got to change!
God is pouring out grace to release spiritual fathers and mothers into the Body of Christ. These are ordinary men and women who are willing to build into spiritual sons and daughters and model a 'counter culture' of selflessness. their goal is to see the testimony of Jesus passed from generation to generation
Join those who have a vision of the church as family; who see beyond their own needs and desires; and who refuse to take their mantles to the grave!

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