
The Multi-Site Church Revolution

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by: Geoff Surratt
Greg Ligon
Warren Bird
pages: 223

Table of Contents:
Part One : The Birth of the Multi-Site Movement
1. You say you want a revolution? (Meet several highly successful multi-site churches)
2. A Wide Variety of Models (Notice the broad o models in this overview of the multi-site movement)

Part Two : Become One Church in Many Locations
3. Would It Work for You? (Consider why your church should explore multi-siteas a strategy)
4. On a Mission from God (Discern God's call for your church and leadership)
5. Opportunity Knocks (Don't expect "We've always done in this way" to become your church motto)
6. Selling the Dream (Learn how to use effective vision casting, helpful language, and strategic field trips)
7. Who's Going to Pay for This? (Discover how to do multi-site in ways your church can afford)
8. Launching the Mission (Evaluate these common factors in the successful launch of a second location)

Part Three: What Makes Multi-Site Work Best
9. Hitting the Sweet Spot (Make sure to define and replicate your unique DNA with help from these ideas)
10. Designing the Right Structure (Learn to grow at multiple locations by modifying the way you staff, structure, and communicate)
11. Building Better Leaders (Experience success by emphasizing the role of campus pastors, developing the next generation of leaders, and promoting from within)
12. Leveraging Technology (Find the right balance of technology, whether you use in-person teaching or video)
13. Avoiding Detours (Learn important lessons from churches that have taken wrong turns or hit roadblocks)

Part Four : Why Extend Further and Reach More People?
14. Secrets of Ongoing Replication (Don't let your dream stop short of developing an entire movement of relicating campuses)
15. Where Do We Go from Here? (Be part of turning the tide in a battle being lost by current approaches to doing church)

Fueled by a desire to reach people for Christ, a revolution is underway. Churches are growing beyond the limitations of a single service in one building. Expanding the traditional model, they are embracing the concept of one church with more than one site: multiple congregtions sharing a comon vision, budget, ledership and board.
Drawing from the examples of churches nationwide. The Multi-Site Church Revolution shows what healthy multi-ste churches look like and whet motivates congregations to make the change. Discover how your church can:
- cast a vision for change
- ensure a successful DNA transfer (vision and core values) to its new site
- develop new leaders
- fund new sites
- adapt to structure and staffing change
- use technology to suppport your worship services
You'll identify the reasons churches succeed and how they overcome common snags. The Multi-Site Church Revolution offers guidance, insights, and specific action stps as well as appendixes with practical leadership resources and self-diagnostic tools.

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