
Prospering in times of Global Financial Crisis

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By: DR. Rajan Thiagarajah
page: 141

Table of Contents:
1. Signs of the Times
2. We are the Citizens of the Kingdom of God
3. We are Problem Solvers
4. Jesus Cares about your Finances
5. The Plan. The Purpose. The Strategy.
6. How to Get Wisdom
7. Prayer & Fasting with Specific Purpose
8. Make Giving the Centre of Your Life
9. Our Profession is Our Confession
10. Celebrate the Power of the Passover "Pesach"
11. What the Enemy has Planned
12. The Cross of Calvary fulfils God's Promises
13. God is a Miracle Worker
14. Wealth is Laid Up for the Just
15. Prove Me!

You are a citizen of heaven. All that belongs to Jesus belongs to you. You are the answer to the world crisis. God's method is a man or woman, and you are that man and woman for this hour.

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