
His Kingdom Come

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By:Jim Stier, Richlyn Poor, Lisa Orvis
Page: 484

Table of Contents:
Part 1: Introduction
Finding Your Place in the Great Commission (Jim Stier)

Part 2: What the Bible Says
The Old Testament for Discipling Nations (Landa Cope)
The New testament Basis for the Discipling of Nations (David Joel Hamilton)
Case Study: Second Thoughts on Galactic Domination (Don Grattus)

Part 3: History of Discipling Nations
From Rome to Reformation
Calvin and Geneva
Youth With A Mission and the Great Reversal
Case Study: Fiji - A Dramatic Return to Life (Loren Cunningham)

Part 4: Philosophy of Ministry
The Church and the Kingdom (Dean Sherman)
A Conversation on Calling (John T. Henry)
Discipling the Nations - One Disciple at a Time (Danny Lehmann)
Incarnational Evangelism (C. Lynn Green)
Developmentoring (Kent Truewell)
The Importance of People Movements in Discipling Nations (Steve Cochrane)
From Vision to Reality (Howard V. Malmstadt)
Case Study: Principles and Practices in Albania (Fraser Hang)
Case Study: When Less Is More (Braulia Ribeiro)

Part 5: Strategy
Loving God and Your Neighbor (G. Stephen Goode)
Healing the Wounds of the World (John Dawson)
Family and Culture (Diane and Jeff Littleton)
Transforming a Divorce Culture into a Marriage Culture (Larry Ballard)
Bible and Government (Ana Roncal Vilanueva)
Discipling the Nations though the Sphere of Business (Susanna Shenk)
Discipling the Nations through Journalism (Alison K. Muesing)
Media That Transform Nations (Cavin and Carol Conkey)
Strategy Coordination Karine K)
University Campus Ministry (Sung Gun Hong)
How Lovely (Jose Joseph and Sarah Jose)

Part 6: Conclusion
Reflections on the Kingdom (Jim Stier)

This book covers adequately every possible topic in a discussion about the expansion of God's Kingdom. The topics of prayer, education, and science are obvious omissions. Prayer and intercession are vital to any undertaking. Education has long been recognized as a way to change people and nations, because youth absorb values and assumptions so readily.

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