
Sign Language

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by: DR. Cathy Rice
page: 171

Table of Contents:
Intructions for Converting Individual Words into Signs
Lesson 1-7
Suggestions and Further Help for Learning Sign Language
Lesson 8 Intepreting Spoken Words into Signs
Reading Sign Language
Lesson 9 Helpful Ways to Remember Signs
Lesson 10 Pronouns
Lesson 11 Tenses
Lesson 12 "Do" Sign
"Not" Sign
Other Negative Signs
"Late" Sign
"Same" Sign
Sizes of People and Things

"Listen with your eyes ..... sign language is a method of presenting thoughts via pictures made with one's hands"
People are adaptable. This trait is particularly useful when one of the five senses is weakened and another becomes more acute to compensate for the weakness. So the deaf, when they hear, hear with their eyes. To communicate to the deaf, is to translate the speech of the hearing world into the pictures of the seeing world.

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